
赵妮, 胡运, 孟欣, 等. 超声诊断上腔静脉综合征1例[J]. 临床心血管病杂志, 2023, 39(5): 403-406. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2023.05.015
引用本文: 赵妮, 胡运, 孟欣, 等. 超声诊断上腔静脉综合征1例[J]. 临床心血管病杂志, 2023, 39(5): 403-406. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2023.05.015
ZHAO Ni, HU Yun, MENG Xin, et al. A case of superior vena cava syndrome diagnosed by echocardiographic evaluation[J]. J Clin Cardiol, 2023, 39(5): 403-406. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2023.05.015
Citation: ZHAO Ni, HU Yun, MENG Xin, et al. A case of superior vena cava syndrome diagnosed by echocardiographic evaluation[J]. J Clin Cardiol, 2023, 39(5): 403-406. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2023.05.015


    通讯作者: 孟欣,E-mail:mxfmmu@163.com
  • 中图分类号: R541.3

A case of superior vena cava syndrome diagnosed by echocardiographic evaluation

More Information
  • 本文报道1例先天性心脏病(室间隔和房间隔缺损)术后半年出现面部及双上肢浮肿的患儿,评估符合上腔静脉综合征,患儿经上腔静脉血栓清除术后顺利出院。但术后1个月余患儿再次面部浮肿,复查超声出现上腔静脉中远段管腔局限性狭窄,遂行上腔静脉重建的介入支架植入术,患儿转危为安。
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  • 图 1  患儿先心病二次术前的影像学结果符合SVCS

    Figure 1.  Imaging findings before the second operation were consistent with the SVCS in congenital heart disease

    图 2  术中及术后复查

    Figure 2.  Intraoperative and postoperative review

    图 3  上腔静脉取栓术后1个月静脉管腔中远段手术吻合口处狭窄

    Figure 3.  A stenosis at the surgical anastomosis in the middle and distal segments of the superior vena cava one month after the thrombectomy of the superior vena cava

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收稿日期:  2022-10-15
刊出日期:  2023-05-13
