Prevalence of orthostatic hypotension and orthostatic changes of blood pressure in population without related symptoms
摘要: 目的:明确无相关症状人群体位性低血压 (OH) 的患病率和直立性血压变化规律, 分析OH的危险因素。方法:入选无慢性OH相关症状的对象566例, 分为青年组、中年组和老年组, 测量身高、体重、腰围、臀围、卧位心率;分别在间隔1周以上的两个检查日, 测量2次心脏-脚踝血管指数 (CAVI) 和踝臂血压指数 (ABI), 分上、下午总共进行4次血压测量, 分别测量卧位、不同立位时相的收缩压和舒张压, 计算直立性收缩期血压变化 (OCs) 和直立性舒张期血压变化 (OCd)。分析该人群OH患病率、直立性血压变化规律、动脉硬化指数特征。结果:该特定人群的OH患病率为3.6%, 其中青年组1.9%, 中年组3.4%, 老年组7.2%, 3组差异无统计学意义。血压检测诊断OH的可重复性差, 4次血压测量OH检出率高于单次检出率。直立性舒张期血压和收缩期血压的变化值均波动较大, 未发现显著规律。随着年龄增长, CAVI明显增加, ABI明显降低, 无症状OH患病率也与之密切相关。结论:是否伴OH相关症状是OH患病率的重要影响因素, 通过多次体位性血压检测可以提高OH检出率, 直立性血压波动无显著规律, 年龄、动脉硬化与OH患病三者关系密切。Abstract: Objective: To detect the prevalence of orthostatic hypotension (OH), the law curve of orthostatic blood pressure change, and the risk factors of OH in objects without OH related symptoms.Method: A total of 566 objects without chronic OH related symptoms was selected and divided into young, middle-aged and elder group. The measurements of height, weight, waistline, hipline, resting heart rate were performed once.Respectively in the two inspection day, CAVI and ABI were measured.At the same time, the blood pressure measurements were performed four times, including recumbent position, orthostatic systolic and diastolic blood pressure.After that, orthostatic changes in systolic blood pressure (OCs) and orthostatic changes in diastolic blood pressure (OCd) were calculated.Then the prevalence of OH, the law curve of orthostatic blood pressure changes and values of arteriosclerosis index characteristics were analyzed.Result: Prevalence of OH was 3.6%in the selected objects. The prevalence was 1.9%in young group, 3.4%in middle-aged group, and 7.2%in elderly group.But there was no difference statistically among them.The reproducibility of OH diagnostic criteria was poor.OH detection rate of four times blood pressure measurement was higher than single measurement.Orthostatic changes in diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure value were volatile and without significant regularity.The values of CAVI were significantly increased with age, and with the lower values of ABI, with which OH prevalence were closely related.Conclusion: Whether suffering OH related symptoms is one of the important factors in OH prevalence.Repeated orthostatic blood pressure measurements can improve OH detection rate.The law curve of orthostatic blood pressure changes have no significant regularity.The relationship is closely among age, arteriosclerosis index and prevalence of OH.
Key words:
- orthostatic hypotension /
- prevalence /
- asymptomatic /
- diagnosis
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