
马娟, 严宁, 马学平, 等. Hcy联合CRP/Alb比值对STEMI合并代谢综合征患者急诊PCI术后无复流的预测价值[J]. 临床心血管病杂志, 2022, 38(4): 308-314. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2022.04.011
引用本文: 马娟, 严宁, 马学平, 等. Hcy联合CRP/Alb比值对STEMI合并代谢综合征患者急诊PCI术后无复流的预测价值[J]. 临床心血管病杂志, 2022, 38(4): 308-314. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2022.04.011
MA Juan, YAN Ning, MA Xueping, et al. Predictive value of homocysteine combined with CRP/Alb ratio on the no-reflow phenomenon after emergency PCI in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients with metabolic syndrome[J]. J Clin Cardiol, 2022, 38(4): 308-314. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2022.04.011
Citation: MA Juan, YAN Ning, MA Xueping, et al. Predictive value of homocysteine combined with CRP/Alb ratio on the no-reflow phenomenon after emergency PCI in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients with metabolic syndrome[J]. J Clin Cardiol, 2022, 38(4): 308-314. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2022.04.011


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    通讯作者: 贾绍斌,E-mail:jsbxn@163.com
  • 中图分类号: R542.2

Predictive value of homocysteine combined with CRP/Alb ratio on the no-reflow phenomenon after emergency PCI in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients with metabolic syndrome

More Information
  • 目的 探究同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)联合C反应蛋白/白蛋白比值(CAR)对急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)合并代谢综合征(MS)患者急诊行经皮冠状动脉介入(PCI)术后无复流(NRP)的预测价值。方法 连续收集2017年12月—2019年10月于宁夏医科大学总医院行急诊PCI术的STEMI合并MS患者187例,根据冠脉造影结果分为正常血流组(152例)和NRP组(35例),比较2组一般资料及临床特征。采用单因素和多因素logistic回归分析NRP的影响因素,绘制ROC曲线评估Hcy、CAR及两者联合对NRP的预测效能。结果 纳入患者187例,NRP发生率为18.71%。通过调整混杂因素后,二元Logistic回归显示术前Hcy(OR=1.053,95%CI:1.027~1.081,P< 0.001),CAR(OR=2.745,95%CI:1.029~7.322,P=0.044),舒张压(OR=0.959,95%CI:0.926~0.993,P=0.018)及梗死血管RCA(OR=0.378,95%CI:0.148~0.963,P=0.042)是NRP发生的危险因素。在NRP预测中,Hcy在ROC曲线下面积为0.761(95%CI:0.676~0.845),灵敏度为80%,特异度为65.2%,最佳临界值为18.86μmol/L;CAR在ROC曲线下面积为0.652(95%CI:0.549~0.755),灵敏度为77.1%,特异度为50%,最佳临界值为0.167。Hcy联合CAR(联合预测因子)在ROC曲线下面积为0.799(95%CI:0.719~0.878),灵敏度为71.4%,特异度为80.6%。结论 Hcy、CAR是STEMI合并MS患者发生NRP的危险因素,二者联合检测有助于NRP的早期识别。
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  • 图 1  Hcy、CAR和Hcy+CAR联合预测NRP的ROC曲线分析

    Figure 1.  ROC curves of Hcy, CAR, and combined Hcy and CAR for predicting no-reflow

    表 1  2组基线资料比较

    Table 1.  Comparison of baseline characteristics between two groups  例(%), X±S

    项目 血流正常组(152例) NRP组(35例) χ2/t P
    年龄/岁 69.61±12.21 63.57±12.89 1.712 0.089
    男性 119(78.28) 24(68.57) 1.493 0.222
    高血压病 120(78.94) 32(91.43) 2.913 0.088
    糖尿病 88(57.89) 19(54.28) 0.151 0.697
    高脂血症 74(48.68) 15(42.86) 4.486 0.534
    吸烟史 95(62.50) 20(57.14) 0.387 0.557
    冠心病家族史 38(25.00) 3(8.57) 4.486 0.034
    BMI/(kg·m-2) 26.00±3.31 25.48±3.52 -0.835 0.405
    入院心率/(次·min-1) 79.70±12.56 83.14±18.63 1.325 0.187
    入院SBP/mmHg 126.58±21.54 109.29±20.15 -4.296 < 0.001
    入院DBP/mmHg 79.07±13.77 69.11±13.92 -3.848 < 0.001
    入院Killip分级 4.272 0.234
        Ⅰ级 127(83.55) 25(71.43)
        Ⅱ~Ⅳ级 25(16.45) 10(28.57)
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    表 2  2组血液生化及心脏彩超相关资料比较

    Table 2.  Comparison of laboratory and echocardiography results between two groups  X±S

    项目 血流正常组(152例) NRP组(35例) t P
    Hcy/(μmol·L-1) 20.38±12.41 33.19±19.65 4.872 0.000
    CRP/(mg·dL-1) 13.24±5.21 15.91±4.67 2.179 0.031
    Alb/(g·L-1) 39.45±4.17 36.57±8.46 -2.942 0.004
    CAR 0.26±0.03 0.50±0.10 3.129 0.002
    TG/(mmol·L-1) 2.82±1.50 2.69±1.80 -0.465 0.643
    TC/(mmol·L-1) 4.22±0.87 4.37±0.79 0.898 0.370
    LDL/(mmol·L-1) 1.99±0.61 2.06±0.61 0.600 0.550
    HDL/(mmol·L-1) 0.79±0.14 0.84±0.17 1.556 0.121
    入院血糖//(mmol·L-1) 9.53±4.48 10.25±5.10 0.831 0.407
    白细胞总数/(×109·L-1) 11.31±3.35 11.85±3.65 0.838 0.643
    中性粒细胞计数/(×109·L-1) 9.22±3.28 9.85±3.69 0.987 0.325
    淋巴细胞计数/(×109·L-1) 1.46±0.67 1.36±0.67 -0.793 0.429
    血红蛋白/(g·dL-1) 147.45±18.90 140.75±19.17 -1.887 0.061
    血小板计数/(×109·L-1) 233.93±67.79 230.40±54.46 -0.288 0.774
    血肌酐/(μmol·L-1) 69.71±18.55 75.25±24.64 1.491 0.138
    D-二聚体/(ng·mL-1) 0.58±0.45 0.52±0.45 0.670 0.504
    LVEF/% 52.16±7.61 50.48±7.41 -1.063 0.289
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    表 3  2组介入相关数据比较

    Table 3.  Comparison of Intervention related data between two groups  例(%), X±S

    项目 血流正常组(152例) NRP组(35例) χ2/t P
    病变血管数量 0.902 0.342
        1支 44(28.95) 13(37.14)
        >1支 108(71.05) 22(62.86)
    术前TIMI血流 1.527 0.408
        0~1级 143(94.08) 33(94.28)
        2~3级 9(9.21) 2(11.43)
        LAD 68(44.74) 10(28.57) 0.058 0.080
        LCX 19(12.50) 2(5.71) 1.514 0.252
        RCA 65(42.76) 23(65.71) 6.015 0.014
        IABP 35(23.03) 9(25.71) 0.981 0.401
    血栓抽吸 32(21.05) 7(20.00) 0.837 0.272
    支架数量/个 1.49±0.76 1.43±0.66 2.973 0.643
    支架直径/mm 3.22±0.46 3.38±0.45 1.954 0.052
    支架长度/mm 25.85±7.83 26.34±8.45 0.332 0.741
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    表 4  NRP现象的单因素logistic回归分析

    Table 4.  Univariate logistic analysis of no-reflow phenomenon

    变量 B S.E. Wald OR 95%CI P
    SBP -0.039 0.010 15.380 0.962 0.943~0.981 0.001
    DBP -0.057 0.016 12.864 0.945 0.916~0.975 < 0.001
    CRP 0.023 0.012 3.917 1.024 1.002~1.048 0.048
    Alb -0.089 0.036 6.253 0.915 0.853~0.981 0.012
    CAR 1.088 0.422 6.651 2.967 1.298~6.781 0.010
    Hcy 0.047 0.012 16.272 1.048 1.024~1.072 < 0.001
    RCA -0.942 0.392 5.775 0.390 0.181~0.841 0.016
    冠心病家族史 -1.269 0.632 4.029 0.281 0.081~0.971 0.045
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    表 5  NRP现象的多因素logistic回归分析

    Table 5.  Multivariate logistic analysis of no-reflow phenomenon

    变量 B S.E. Wald OR 95%CI P
    DBP -0.042 0.018 5.580 0.959 0.926~0.993 0.018
    CAR 1.010 0.501 4.069 2.745 1.029~7.322 0.044
    Hcy 0.052 0.013 15.532 1.053 1.027~1.081 < 0.001
    RCA -0.973 0.477 4.153 0.378 0.148~0.963 0.042
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