
帕丽达·玉山江, 艾买提江·买买提, 古力斯坦·艾斯卡尔, 等. 外周血内皮微粒中miR-126水平与MHR在急性心肌梗死患者PCI术后的表达水平及临床意义[J]. 临床心血管病杂志, 2024, 40(9): 731-736. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2024.09.008
引用本文: 帕丽达·玉山江, 艾买提江·买买提, 古力斯坦·艾斯卡尔, 等. 外周血内皮微粒中miR-126水平与MHR在急性心肌梗死患者PCI术后的表达水平及临床意义[J]. 临床心血管病杂志, 2024, 40(9): 731-736. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2024.09.008
Palida Yushanjiang, Aimaitijiang Maimaiti, Gulisitan Asikaer, et al. Expression levels and clinical significance of miR-126 in circulating endothelial microparticles and the monocyte to high-density lipoprotein ratio in patients with acute myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention[J]. J Clin Cardiol, 2024, 40(9): 731-736. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2024.09.008
Citation: Palida Yushanjiang, Aimaitijiang Maimaiti, Gulisitan Asikaer, et al. Expression levels and clinical significance of miR-126 in circulating endothelial microparticles and the monocyte to high-density lipoprotein ratio in patients with acute myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention[J]. J Clin Cardiol, 2024, 40(9): 731-736. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2024.09.008


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Expression levels and clinical significance of miR-126 in circulating endothelial microparticles and the monocyte to high-density lipoprotein ratio in patients with acute myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention

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  • 目的 分析急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者在接受经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)后,外周血内皮细胞来源的微粒中的microRNA-126(miR-126)表达水平以及单核细胞与高密度脂蛋白胆固醇比值(MHR)的变化及其临床意义。方法 纳入2019—2022年在新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院心内科进行冠状动脉造影(CAG),随后确诊为AMI并接受PCI治疗的60例患者(AMI组)。同时,纳入60例慢性冠状动脉疾病(CCD)患者(CCD组)以及60例健康个体(健康组)作为对照。测定并对比各组患者外周血内皮微粒中的miR-126和MHR表达水平,并计算Gensini评分。相关性分析采用Spearman检验,AMI发生的危险因素采用logistic回归分析,各指标的诊断价值采用ROC曲线分析。结果 AMI组miR-126水平低于CCD组及对照组,MHR高于CCD组及对照组。Spearman相关性分析结果表明,miR-126的表达水平与Gensini评分呈负相关性(r=-0.460,P < 0.001),MHR与Gensini评分呈正相关性(r=0.468,P < 0.001)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,miR-126(OR=6.995,95%CI:2.126~23.018,P=0.001)、MHR(OR=4.527,95%CI:1.145~17.895,P < 0.031)和Gensini评分(OR=0.949,95%CI:0.925~0.974,P < 0.001)是AMI发生的独立危险因素。ROC曲线分析表明,miR-126、MHR和Gensini评分联合检测预测AMI的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.894(95%CI:0.951~0.836,P < 0.001),特异度为95%,灵敏度为76.7%,高于各指标单独预测。结论 miR-126水平和MHR与AMI的发生及冠心病严重程度有重要联系,是潜在的预测和诊断AMI的生物标记物。
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  • 图 1  miR-126、MHR及Gensini评分预测AMI的ROC曲线

    Figure 1.  ROC curves for predicting AMI using miR-126, MHR, and Gensini score

    表 1  患者一般临床资料比较

    Table 1.  Comparison of baseline characteristics 例(%), X ± S, M(P25, P75)

    项目 健康组(60例) CCD组(60例) AMI组(60例) F/H/χ2 P
      年龄/岁 55.00(50.25,61.60) 59.00(53.00,65.00) 56.50(47.00,69.50) 4.138 0.126
      男性 31(31.1) 39(34.8) 42(37.5) 4.585 0.101
      BMI/(kg/m2) 25.17±3.65 25.82±3.17 26.05±2.95 1.169 0.313
      吸烟史 7(13.5) 19(36.5) 26(50.0) 14.980 0.001
      收缩压/mmHg 118.33±16.21 130.02±19.59 124.02±19.78 5.921 0.003
      Gensini评分 8.50(6.00,14.00) 67.00(42.50,84.75) 116.060 < 0.001
      白细胞计数/(×109/L) 5.81(4.79,7.07) 6.59(5.66,8.13) 9.80(8.16,11.39) 43.330 < 0.001
      单核细胞计数/(×109/L) 0.37(0.29,0.51) 0.47(0.39,0.65) 0.69(0.46,1.38) 26.560 < 0.001
      淋巴细胞计数/(×109/L) 1.71(1.04,2.39) 1.68(1.24,2.79) 1.73(1.23,2.54) 0.178 0.915
      中性粒细胞计数/(×109/L) 3.55(2.89,4.35) 3.99(3.18,5.38) 6.70(5.26,9.27) 54.100 < 0.001
      CRP/(mg/dL) 1.55(0.81,3.16) 1.17(0.60,2.32) 2.16(0.99,5.96) 5.650 0.059
      Cr/(μmol/L) 59.30(50.95,70.73) 73.8(64.23,81.73) 71.85(61.03,81.78) 9.379 0.009
      CK-MB /(U/L) 1.35(0.73,2.51) 2.33(1.08,13.79) 11.30(2.56,64.83) 28.130 < 0.001
      FBG/(mmol/L) 4.64(4.25,5.46) 5.40(4.53,6.00) 6.16(5.45,7.84) 32.130 < 0.001
      TC/(mmol/L) 4.21(3.49,4.91) 4.22(3.27,5.14) 4.33(3.72,5.23) 0.400 0.819
      TG/(mmol/L) 1.36(1.01,1.55) 1.45(1.04,1.96) 1.29(0.97,1.69) 0.845 0.655
      LDL-C/(mmol/L) 2.58±0.79 2.65±0.94 2.81±1.02 1.003 0.369
      HDL-C/(mmol/L) 1.02(0.88,1.19) 0.97(0.85,1.17) 0.99(0.80,1.15) 1.600 0.449
      阿司匹林 5(1.0) 50(49.0) 51(50.0) 115.090 < 0.001
      他汀类 3(0.9) 57(49.0) 58(50.0) 154.830 < 0.001
      β受体阻滞剂 1(0.1) 39(43.8) 49(55.1) 85.520 < 0.001
    1 mmHg=0.133 kPa。
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    表 2  患者miR-126与MHR水平比较

    Table 2.  Comparison of miR-126 and MHR levels M(P25, P75)

    项目 健康组(60例) CCD组(60例) AMI组(60例) F P
    miR-126 0.87(0.50,1.32) 1.01(0.54,1.92) 0.33(0.11,0.61) 25.60 < 0.001
    MHR 0.36(0.25,0.53) 0.50(0.41,0.79) 0.73(0.45,1.52) 22.53 < 0.001
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    表 3  AMI发生的危险因素

    Table 3.  Risk factors for AMI occurrence

    变量 单因素logistics回归分析 多因素logistic回归分析
    OR 95%CI P OR 95%CI P
    吸烟史 0.796 0.370~1.712 0.559
    BMI 0.998 0.888~1.120 0.969
    收缩压 1.014 0.996~1.033 0.132
    Gensini评分 0.950 0.930~0.970 < 0.001 0.949 0.925~0.974 < 0.001
    Cr 0.998 0.978~1.019 0.846
    FBG 0.780 0.636~0.957 0.017 0.879 0.665~1.163 0.367
    miR-126 9.728 3.590~26.360 < 0.001 6.995 2.126~23.018 0.001
    MHR 0.431 0.211~0.884 0.022 4.527 1.145~17.895 0.031
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