摘要: 目的:研究小鼠病毒性心肌炎 (VMC) 模型中microRNA-21 (miR-21) 和microRNA-146b (miR-146b) 基因表达, 探究其在VMC发病中的变化及意义。方法:用柯萨奇病毒B3 (CVB3) 建立Balb/c VMC小鼠模型, 实验组注射100TCID 50病毒液0.1ml, 对照组注射等量磷酸盐缓冲液。在注射的第0、1、2、4周分别采用实时定量PCR法检测2组小鼠心肌组织miRNA-21和miR-146b表达水平。结果:与对照组比较, 实验组小鼠心肌组织miR-21和miR-146b水平自第1周开始稳定表达, 第2周时达峰值, 并至少维持至第4周;实验组各时间点的表达量均高于对照组相应时间点 (均P<0.05)。结论:miR-21和miR-146b在VMC小鼠心肌组织中表达明显增高, 提示miR-21和miR-146b可能参与了VMC的发病过程。Abstract: Objective: To explore microRNA-21 (miR-21) and microRNA-146b (miR-146b) gene expression in mice with viral myocarditis (VMC) and the role and significance in the pathogenesis of VMC.Method: We established the model of VMC, and Balb/c male mice were peritoneally injected (IP) with Coxsackie virus B3, and those peritoneally injected with PBS were taken as controls.At the end of 1st, 2nd, and 4th weeks after IP, the level of miR-21and miR-146bin mice myocardial tissue were determined by RT-PCR.Result: Compared with controls, the expressions of miR-21and miR-146bin VMC model were steadly increased from 1st week after IP, reaching the top on 2th week and then maintained a high trend to the end of the 4th week.All of the results at different time points in VMC model were higher than those in controls (all P<0.05).Conclusion: There is significant increase level of miR-21and miR-146bin myocardium of VMC.miR-21and miR-146bmight play a role in the pathogenesis of mice with VMC.
Key words:
- myocarditis /
- microRNAs /
- miR-21 /
- miR-146b
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