
方章, 李殿富. 雌激素水平变化所致冠状动脉微血管病变在射血分数保留型心力衰竭发病中的作用[J]. 临床心血管病杂志, 2024, 40(7): 526-530. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2024.07.004
引用本文: 方章, 李殿富. 雌激素水平变化所致冠状动脉微血管病变在射血分数保留型心力衰竭发病中的作用[J]. 临床心血管病杂志, 2024, 40(7): 526-530. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2024.07.004
FANG Zhang, LI Dianfu. The role of coronary microvascular disease induced by estrogen level changes in the pathogenesis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction[J]. J Clin Cardiol, 2024, 40(7): 526-530. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2024.07.004
Citation: FANG Zhang, LI Dianfu. The role of coronary microvascular disease induced by estrogen level changes in the pathogenesis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction[J]. J Clin Cardiol, 2024, 40(7): 526-530. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1001-1439.2024.07.004



The role of coronary microvascular disease induced by estrogen level changes in the pathogenesis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

More Information
  • 心力衰竭(心衰)是一种严重的心脏疾病,其发病率和病死率高,目前的治疗方法效果有限。射血分数保留型心衰(HFpEF)是心衰的常见类型之一,主要表现为左心室舒张功能障碍,其中绝经后的女性是易患人群。绝经后雌激素水平的变化在HFpEF发病中可能起重要作用。本综述旨在综合分析与雌激素水平变化相关的冠状动脉微血管病变在HFpEF发生发展中的可能作用,并为进一步的病理生理机制研究以及HFpEF和微血管病变中与雌激素相关的预防和治疗研究提供基础。
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  • 图 1  CMVD的危险因素及雌激素的保护作用

    Figure 1.  Risk factors for CMVD and the protective effect of estrogen

    图 2  雌激素保护冠脉微血管的主要机制

    Figure 2.  The main mechanism of estrogen protecting coronary microvasculature

    图 3  潜在的雌激素-冠脉微循环-HFpEF轴

    Figure 3.  The potential estrogen coronary microcirculation HFpEF system

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收稿日期:  2023-07-25
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